Friday, May 2, 2008

My Granddaughter

Well, everyone else posts photos of their children and grandchildren, so I figure, why not. Here's my daughter and my granddaughter...


jon♥kara said...

very sexy baby belly jenny! I forgot you did the family shoot. How did the kids shots turn out? You should put in a cool background with jenny with photoshop.

Unknown said...

Alright! It's June 8th and I've been checking every day for the first shots of baby Sienna. What's the deal :)

Jody Weiss said...

I didn't realize you had this blog as well! I like the pictures!!!

Billy & Caitlin said...

yeah, i didn't know you had this blog either. i just found it today. nice pictures!

Nancy Salerno said...

Great work Bruce! How wonderful it must be to be living your dream. Just had lunch with Becky and Jennie and they told me of your site. I remember the photo equipment you had upstairs in your family's home in OR and still have the black & white you took of me up at North Fork (Santiam River - 1972?). I'll keep you in mind for my next family pic and/or any AZ weddings we may be having in the near future.

BK Barnes said...

Hi Nancy - this must be Nancy Sanford. I heard that one of my sisters ran in to you. I probably have those photos around somewhere. Let me know how to get in touch with you.
